‘The Cat Eye Effect’ celebrates both the unusual and commonplace visual elements of the everyday. Abstracting scenarios from their surrounding context, the photographs create unexpected depictions of the recognisable every day and aim to make the viewer question their relationship with them.
James Brook – I’d put you in a mirror
‘I’d put you in a mirror’ is a selection of images taken from a body of work made over three years in and around the photographer’s hometown of Dewsbury, West Yorkshire. The images were taken over the period of time when his grandfather died and then his uncle eighteen months later.
Eleanor Monty – Unorthodox Paradox Unorthodox Paradox’ is a highly experimental series of self-portraits, influenced by Surrealist Expressionism. The images explore identity by exposing the unconscious mind of the photographer who is wildly extroverted, yet desperately introverted. In an attempt to self-preserve and self-improve, the artist has allowed her psychology to manifest into visualisations of the deepest and most secretive aspects of her ‘unknown’.
Hilda Quick – Defects
Alec Aarons – Born from red ash Growing up in the coalfields has changed over the years; whilst the miners’ strike of 1984/5 is still fresh in the minds of older generations, there is now a new wave of young people that occupy landscapes which bare the trace of political conflict. Monuments of the past are progressing into places of leisure and tourism; however, the romanticism of coal mining fails to acknowledge the impact of its broader narrative. Whilst the futures of mining communities are uncleawr, opportunities for young people are unburdened with the weight of a dying industry.
Kat Olszewska – Index
‘Index’ is predominantly a consideration of colour and composition, with an underlying interest in how the human body interacts with the environment in which it has been captured, and how this is represented in the still photograph within the fashion industry.