Already at the age of 16 years old, South-East England DJ Hyzteria has already made a name for himself in the EDM scene. 53,321 monthly Spotify listeners later following the release of his first single Royalty, ASBO sat down and spoke with the young artist about his influences, his first single and what his plans for the future are.
What was your first experience with music and did you always want to have a career in it?
I first discovered electronic music when I was 12 years old. I had found out about it through using software called ‘fruity loops’ at school. As soon as I started producing I was desperate to go pro but before then I had no idea what I wanted to do.
What made you ultimately decide you wanted to make electronic dance music?
I think dance music gives me a feeling no other genre can achieve. I find I can just lose myself in dance and all my worries can just go away from producing and listening to it and I think that is incredible.
This unique sound you’ve created for yourself, was it what you originally set out to create when you were first starting out?
Absolutely not, I first started as a future house producer and I was using sounds from future house giants such as ‘Mesto’ and ‘Mike Williams’. I only fell into my current genre by chance when I met my manager, Ian because I sent a collab idea to one of his other clients and realised that this is my genre.
You have already had huge support from the likes of Capital FM, was the reaction what you expected?
I actually remember when my remix of ‘Hot Girl Bummer’ was aired for the first time. It was a Friday in February and I was literally laying on my bed when my collab partners Keepin It Heale messaged me saying that we got played on Capital. I was ECSTATIC! I didn’t really know what to do with myself. Even though many artists do this daily, it was a big moment for me in my career.
When it comes to making new songs like ‘Royalty’ what’s the process like?
‘Royalty’ was one of my quickest projects actually. I started it in the February half term after work. A songwriter called Kat Deal wrote and sang it. It was a sick record to work on and I’m so grateful for my mix engineer, Guy and Ian bringing out its full potential.
With your new project dropping in the midst of lockdown, how did that affect things for you?
Lots of people have been asking me this. Personally, lockdown strengthened my creative drive as all my GCSEs were cancelled. Lockdown gave me A LOT of time to think on how I wanted this project to go and helped me be organised and ready to play my part in making sure this is successful.
Are there any other producers / artists that you’d like to collaborate with?
YES YES YES! My dream collabs are probably – Icona Pop, Galantis and The Him. I think all three of them are musical geniuses and everything they release impresses me haha. They’re sick.
Are there any other releases planned in the the next couple of months or are you currently working on any?
WE have so much music coming it’s actually ridiculous. I have some HUGE collabs in the works and my next 3 records are shaping up very nicely and sounding mint. I can’t wait to show you them and my next release is sooner than you think…
What’s your main dream for hysteria and what do you hope people will take away from your music?
Firstly, I want people to connect with my music. I want them to be emotionally connected to me and my music and remember it. I want people to be inspired as I have been by other artists. My ultimate goal for Hyzteria is to be the biggest DJ in the world. I know that it is a huge dream but I believe that with hardwork and a little luck anything is possible. My team are fab too. They’re all team players so I know it’s all gonna be good.