NAME: GDZDZDZD. OCCUPATION: Student/Waitress/Artist. LIKES: A good a bargain, the colour silver
visiting cats in Peckham car park. HATES: Primary Colours, Polystyrene, slugs. RECORD: ‘G To The A (Tee Grizzley Remix)’ Kodack Black and Jackboy. FILM: Enchanted. CLUB: I Can’t Afford Clubs I Go To The Pub. NAME: Hazel. OCCUPATION: Hiding in train toilets. LIKES: Screaming, Dancing, Meeting strange people, heavy distortion, art, people throwing stones at me. HATES: My dad saying “Just because you found it in a skip doesn’t mean you have to bring it home with you”. RECORD: ‘Hooray for Hazel’ Tommy Roe. FILM: The Street of Crocodiles. CLUB: Mosh Pits & Raves

NAME: Cult Of Shane. OCCUPATION: Sales Assistant/Drag Artist. LIKES: Art, Drag, Surrealist Film, Makeup & Dumpster Diving. HATES: People not being resourceful with art; using expensive materials. RECORD: ‘Lucky by Lene Lovich. FILM: Baby of Lochin. CLUB: They’re all different, but fav rave organiser is ‘Guttering. NAME: IVETMONOVA. OCCUPATION: Unemployed, but looking to specialise in 3D installations
LIKES: Feminist theories & perspectives
HATES: People who take others for
granted, for example: little things my mum
does which my stepdad just completely
disregards; SONG: ‘Sugar Water’ by Cibo Matto
FILM: Daisies

Image: Sebastian Garraway @sebastiangarraway
NAME: Raven & Arès. AGE: 24. OCCUPATION: Student. LIKES: Fashion: Make Up: Hair Styling. Music & Arès. HATES: I hate nothing, but Arès hates chihuahuas and little dogs in general, and when someone’s trying to steal his ball!
RECORD: Is really hard to choose only one music because I love much different types of music like techno, rock, punk… but the ones that touches me the most are “Before the Beginning” from John Frusciante and “Rigid” from Kobosil and Rosa Anschütz. FILM: Climax from Gaspar Noé
CLUB: My favourite club is the Berghain in Berlin and the Synoid events. I also love spending the night out in Tempelhofer Feld, the big abandoned Airport In the south of Berlin. I don’t like Paris that much for the clubs!

Image: Sebastian Garraway @sebastiangarraway
NAME: Ibrahim. AGE: 24. OCCUPATION: I am an artist, or to be more precise, a dancer, stylist, designer and commercial mode. LIKES: Fashion, Dance, Audio-visual & Basketball HATES: I hate the show-offs, the defeatists, People with a lack of personality. Record: Proteck ya neck 2 the zoo de ODB. FILM: Forrest Gump. CLUB: prefer to a Museum, Cinema & Restaurants

LIKES: Shopping/Dancing. HATES: Badly dressed people, and People who think they know it all
RECORD: ‘Passion’ by Pink Pantheress FILM: Sex in The City. CLUB: Fold

NAME: Franki. Franks OCCUPATION: Children’s Education & Social Care. LIKES: Raving and painting with friends. HATES: People who don’t rates cats. RECORD: ‘Pinty’ Moonlit by Duty
FILM: Shrek. CLUB: SEMTEX rave

NAME: Zombie Punk. OCCUPATION: Punk
LIKES: Tattoos, Cider & Sex. HATES: Having No Sex & Cider. RECORD: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
FILM: Sid & Nancy. CLUB: Anywhere with girls & Cider

NAME: Andkboi. OCCUPATION: Student/DJ. AGE: 24 LIKES: Electronic Music. Dancing & Apricot Jam. HATES: Commercialisation Of The Rave & Underground Scene. RECORD: Born Slippy by Underworld. FILM: Trainspotting

Name: A-G-A. AGE: 22. OCCUPATION: Student
LIKES: Fashion. Basketball & My BMX. HATES: Birds. Fake People & Football
RECORD: Union City Blues by Blondie
FILM: Annie. CLUB: The Mudd Club