Situated in the heart of Hackney Central lies a unique hangout for the trendy; MOTH Club. What used to be an exclusive meeting point for ex-forces servicemen now serves as a haunt for anyone looking for a good night out in the eastern part of town. Containing a more varied assortment of events than your bog-standard nightclub, MOTH Club can boast that it holds everything from cabaret nights, bingo, and stand up-comedy shows as well as the live and electronic music events that you would normally associate with an club like this. Speaking of live music events, MOTH has a plethora of up-and-coming bands that frequently grace their intimate stage, performing within arm’s reach of the packed-out crowd – which is all part of the appeal. The club also offers 80’s nights under the moniker “Dancing in the Dark” and ABBA events with”ABBA After Midnight”- both of these fuelled by a mix of nostalgia and passion and both giving you the chance to sing along to some classic tunes from over the years.

If none of that sounds your speed, MOTH also hosts cinema nights with screenings playing a wide selection of movies; ranging from documentaries about famous musicians to thought provoking artistic pieces such as the strange and esoteric film “The Holy Mountain”. Next time you find yourself in Hackney, do yourself a favour and see what MOTH Club has to offer- it’s sheer versatility ensures it has something for everyone to enjoy.
Words: Jules Corsini
Images: Ayesha Kazim