Walking up Peckham rye on my way to the opening night of Satellite Store, I was welcomed with a sense that this store was much more than just a shop. Satellite store is the latest venture for Galen Bullivant, the store stocks a range of vintage gems and upcoming artists’ work. It boasts a vibe that is unmatched in the area. I was lucky enough to speak to Galen about the store and what its about.
Firstly, can you introduce yourself and tell us what satellite store is?
Hi! I’m Galen, 24. Born in Liverpool and grew up in ‘The Wirral’, so I’m what some might call a plastic scouser.
Satellite is a platform for artists and makers at any stage in their career to display, buy and sell work. The store is split straight down the middle, so on one side you have the store and on the other, you have the gallery space. For example, in our first two weeks, you could go in and pick up vintage copies of ‘The Face’ magazine or flick through a selection of records, step a few metres to your right and you’d have been greeted by artwork from artist Charlie Tallott.

As much as the store is there to satisfy the nostalgic craving of my generation, I also show and sell work that has been printed, drawn, painted and then put on display within the same few weeks. For example, the Grindstone T’s by Taylor Chevrall and Fin Addison was stocked exclusively at Satellite before they were even released online. So the
store is this carefully curated archive of artwork and items from the past and present for any passerby to enjoy.
How do you think the store will impact the Peckham community in a positive way?
Right now, I feel that the store is emerging as a little hub attracting local creatives, which didn’t really exist in Peckham before. I think that it is making it easier for younger emerging artists from Peckham to make some new connections in an environment that isn’t intimidating, there are no industry sharks swimming in these waters. Even if you come down simply to have a look through a book I have in stock that you can’t find anywhere else and you’re able to take some inspiration away from that, I see that a positive.
When I first moved to Peckham, I would go down to Holdrons Arcade to visit Wavey Garms and there would be this buzz down there that you couldn’t explain, but wanted to be part of. After covid, many of the businesses left and the arcade was left pretty empty, so one thing that I’m really hoping for is that Satellite Store will bring back that
excitement around a central location in Peckham.

What made you want to open the store?
Firstly South London is full of creative people, yet other than charity shops, car boots, or pubs there isn’t really a more casual setting for us to commune. I always thought this was just the way things were and always would be until I visited places like Village books and Screw Gallery in Leeds, which had this great balance of operating as a creative establishment showing and selling great artwork but also working like a second home for artists and friends to swing by and catch up with one another.
Ever since being in London I’ve always pursued creative endeavors which, in some form or another, give a platform to myself and other artists. From launching a weekly exhibition night (Empty Set) at Corsica, to initiating an independent publication (Bikini State) with my partner in crime Ed Phipps. So looking back now, the idea for the store was always there but it wasn’t until that trip up North that it really made something click in my mind. It was a realisation that there is no conventional way of navigating the art world and that it is possible to build something of your own.

What are your hopes for the store?
There is a lot I am hoping to achieve for the store, but first I really hope I can build a following that is engaged with Satellite Store as it evolves. I hope people can get behind the idea I’m trying to push forward, which is building a community around creativity that supports others. I’m also hoping to get funding which will enable me to be open for more days of the week, along with putting on bigger and more ambitious exhibitions.
What can people expect from you in the following months?
You can expect, a continually updated collection of the greatest prints, publications, zines, t-shirts, ceramics, and candles you can get your hands on, along with exhibitions/events on a fortnightly basis. For the next two months alone we have penciled in; a song premier/listening party by Bruised Skies, a magazine launch by Jake Allen, a group show featuring CSM graduates & last but not least we’ll be showing an artist whose work will leave your jaw on the floor when you see it (all will be explained soon).
Along with this, we’re planning on linking ties with other SE creative powerhouses such as Hannah Barry Gallery, South London Gallery, Peckham Audio, and Peckham festival in September.

You can find the store at Rye Lane, Peckham, London Holdrons Arcade Unit 15
Thanks to Satellite Store and Galen Bullivant
Interview/Intro by Reuben Davies Lindley
Photos by Anya Rose Grace
Video by Sam Wilson