Street Style: Leeds

NAME: Sasha @wildings36 AGE: 25 Occupation: Vivienne Westwood / Fashion Design Student  3 THINGS YOU LIKE: Spiders, coffee, thrifting, fashion designing, upcycling clothes, styling  3 THINGS YOU HATE: Ignorance and close-minded people. FAVOURITE SONG: Eyes Closed, by Mantis State. FAVOURITE FILM: Corpse Bride, or Nightmare Before Christmas!   FAVOURITE CLUB: Watching live bands!   Image by: Anna Henderson @_ashcreates_  

NAME: Braken Devlin AGE: 22 OCCUPATION: Freelance NAME: Leah AGE: 22 OCCUPATION: Student graphic designer(@motive__studio), drag performer 3 THINGS YOU LIKE: John Waters & Jammy (@barb.d.wyer) and all-round artist. I’ll do owt creative Dodgers. 3 THINGS YOU HATE Tea, Trackies & for money. 3 THINGS YOU LIKE: My pet bunny rabbit Practicality. FAVOURITE SONG: African Reggae, bubble baths, baked beans. 3 THINGS YOU HATE:   by Nina Hagen. FAVOURITE FILM: The Muppets Cruelty, injustice, the government FAVOURITE SONG: Great Caper. FAVOURITE CLUB:  A Night IN Roman in Moscow, by Nicki Minaj. FAVOURITE FILM: Spirited Away. FAVOURITE CLUB: GYRATORY in Leeds!!!! QUEER SEXY ROBOTS AND ELECTROCLASH AND POSITIVE VIBES! ( ) and yes I do co-run it so I’m biased…

NAME: Nicole AGE: 23 OCCUPATION: Student 3 THINGS YOU LIKE: Making Art, Fashion, Subculture like Gyaru! & leading a spiritual life. 3 THINGS YOU HATE: An unwillingness to grow or learn FAVOURITE SONG: Nice Girl by Ashnikko FAVOURITE FILM: The Craft. FAVOURITE CLUB:  Rat Party or Dirt Dykes