Scottish electronic- pop newcomer sadHAPPY drops his latest dancefloor filler ‘Dance Again’. The latest release is the Scotsman’s second release from his upcoming EP ‘Say Goodbye’. sadHappy is the artist project of young musician Aaron Smith, his latest release was written alongside Amanda Kongshaug and James Carter while tucked away in the Scottish countryside, sadHappy had this to say about the creative process “We picked the cosiest cottage we could find and decided to take a studio there. We had so much fun just writing with no pressure… All we did was dance terribly around the Airbnb as we were writing. It felt like such a huge contrast being in a very chilled environment but then going on to write such a big dance song”. Aarons’s artist name sadHAPPY is inspired by the juxtaposition of life and bleeds into sadHAPPYS music as his reflective lyrics mix with upbeat electronic beats. Aaron’s latest release of his forthcoming EP ‘Say Goodbye’, proves again why the young Scotsman is one of the most exciting new artists with his emotive take on electronic pop.
sadHAPPYS ‘Dance Again’ is available to listen to here: