Essex’s grunge powerhouse Bridget., effortlessly commands audiences with her electric stage presence. This has earned her a full UK tour supporting PET NEEDS and other notable support slots for bands such as Dubwar, The Soap Girls and Sick Joy. Her distinctive vocal growl and punk-fuelled singles have featured on BBC Radio 1’s Introducing Rock & Total Rock. With performances at festivals- Brighten The Corners, Beautiful Days and Bearded Theory, Bridget. is at home on a festival stage. A formidable artist in the same vein of Amyl and The Sniffers, Hole, and Wolf Alice. Raw. Unapologetic. The true spirit of grunge and punk rock; her “run-into-battle” energy is not to be missed.

Image by Olly Bromidge
- For someone that is yet to discover Bridget. in 5 words how would you describe yourself?
Raw. Energy. Fierce. Grunge. Ahhhrrrrrghhhh.
2. What inspired you as an artist?
I think the yearning to do something ‘more’, ‘what’s over the hill and in the horizon?’ feeling I’ve had since teeny tiny. The first time I remember being properly moved by music was when I was about 4 in choir and I heard the Corpus Christi Carol, Benjamin Britten Choir version. From then on, anything that gave me goosebumps or made me want to thrash around or get emotional to, I knew I wanted to make some music that made me feel the same.
3. What is your process for preparing to perform live? Do you have any Diva demands?
Look, consider this a warning…if you’re around me before a show, you might hear something proper diva-ish like ‘Where’s my *insert important thing here* gone?’ or ‘Sh*t I’ve lost my plectrum right before I’ve got to play again, anyone got a spare?’. All jokes aside, my process is important to me but simple. I drink loads of water and don’t feel ready to perform until I’m fully fed, stretched, warmed-up and steamed. I am usually very zombie-like and quiet before I’ve played, trying to pre-serve my energy for stage, catch me after and I’m way more social haha.
- Where do you feel you fit into the music landscape?
I’m not sure if I do necessarily ‘fit’. It’s more like ‘I’m going to be making some noise over here now’ rather than a specific place in the music landscape. I think that I’m injected somewhere between the current alt-rock scene and the 90s Grunge and Punk. In this way, I feel very much like I ‘fit’ but I think I thrive more off of feeling like I don’t fit? Wow. THAT. Was pretty Punk. Say no more.
5: What are your favourite musical genres, and are there any you dislike?
As well as the obvious grunge, nu-metal, rock genres that you can hear within my sound, I am an avid dnb and jungle listener and also I like rap- I am drawn to anything that makes you wanna tear a car door off pretty much. That’s why I don’t really love pop or anything too nice because it doesn’t give me that same feeling, but! Saying that, I also have a lot of songs I love in all of the genres I ‘dislike’ because if a song gets you, it just gets you- and there’s nothing you can do about it!
6. What’s currently in the pipeline for 2024?
Oooo 2024, yeah it’s going to be cool. My debut EP ‘Damage Reversal’ is coming out 13th February, I’m really excited for that to be birthed so I can finally move onto the next bit…there might be some shows happening, maybe some more tracks, maybe some collabs and tours?… Plus I have already announced a couple of festivals like Outcider, so this Summer is getting busy too. Follow my socials and join the mailing list at for all of my live dates…!
7 What would you say is your greatest strength as an artist?
I’m never going to try to be something I’m not. People often get confused with the fact my artist name is just ‘Bridget.’ I get lots of ‘Yeah but what’s the band?’ comments. Bridget. is just me- Bridget. Hi. Hello. And I have a band who play the songs with me because it’s really fun. I think my integrity as an artist is a massive strength because I know whatever I do in my music and with my sound it can’t ever really be the wrong thing- it’s just me at whatever mood I was in at the time.
8. What would you say is your greatest weakness as an artist?
It’s something I’m getting better at balancing but probably factoring in time to actually relax and take breaks, especially from the admin stuff. Like most independent artists, my passion doesn’t lie in sending emails and doing posts, that’s not why any of us do it, it turns out! Sometimes I burn myself out but if I go and frolick in a field for a bit with my dog, it makes everything seem clearer and fun again so I can get back to creating.
9. What can fans expect from your new EP?
To be taken on a journey through love, resentment, fear, excitement and toughness. ‘Damage Reversal’ is very personal to me, it’s the last lot of the first of songs I ever wrote. I hope it makes you bang your head. There’s also lots of weirdness in there behind the scenes if you listen closely, actually, there’s a lot of weirdness obviously in front of you too. Check out all of the videos……odd.
10. What artist would you say have influenced your work?
There are so many. Skunk Anansie, Hole, Amyl and The Sniffers, The Dead Weather and newer influences from bands Hot Wax, ENOLA, A Void. Honestly though from Nirvana to Nicki Minaj- I can hear influences from bits of songs I like by anyone in my music. I’m heavily influenced by bands and artists whose music makes me feel like I want to run into battle, doesn’t matter on genre. It’s more the feeling these bands give me rather than the exact sound but I am a massive fan of all things grungey and heavy and dark. Deftones, SOAD, Kittie, QOTSA. Grrrrr.
11. Who would you most like to collaborate with artistically?
This is such a loaded question. I’m gonna go out on a whim here and say Miley Cyrus but with the Foo Fighters as our band. (RIP Taylor Hawkins!!!)
12. What was your worst performance?
Hahahaha. Well, I can tell you the worst feeling performance…I once played at an acoustic gig which is something I rarely do. This gig was for International Women’s Day, an all-female lineup- it was a cool & progressive night to have in the area. Anyway, my name got pulled out of the hat first, I hadn’t planned my day right so I hadn’t warmed up properly, my hands were cold, I completely forgot how to play guitar at one point, and then I was laughing, my guitarist at the time messed up a load, I messed up a load, I felt like I was in a nightmare and my hands weren’t working but it was all good. I just thought ‘ah I’ve just had that show that makes me doubt it all’ hahah. I was humbled.
13: What was the most difficult obstacle you have ever faced and how did you overcome it?
I have to overcome a lot of things all the time as an independent artist. I’d say my band forever changing and having to botch things together last minute. If it means playing half a tour with my ex-bassist and a drummer without an in-person rehearsal until the gig or having my dad play ‘stunt’ guitar (as he likes to call it) for me, just so I get to play the show- I will f*cking do it. That’s how I’ve managed so far and desperation can be sooo uncomfy but I need the pressure!
14: What is your creative process when making music. Do you work with others or is there just you?
I write all of my songs, they usually fall out when I’m driving or working or just woken up type situations. I then take an acoustic demo to whoever is playing for me at that time and say- do this, try this, do that, yay, nay etc until it’s how I want it. I’m looking forward to writing with others in the near-distant future!
15: Where do you see your musical career in 10 years?