1. For someone that is yet to discover ‘Headshrinkers‘ in 5 words how would you describe yourself.
Delicate, sincere but often irritated
2. What inspired you as an artist?
I think what momentous experiences you’ve dealt with; I have always written what I have felt, and will always write what I am going through at that time. I feel I talk very beige here, but life I suppose, and I have lived many lives whether it’s from a loss perspective, or my childhood blaring in angst. Everyone takes up writing differently, but for me it’s a way to take you to another place and feel safe.
You could ask me to explain one of my poems, or songs and I could barely tell you what it’s about because of my dyslexia. Struggling to explain something though for me keeps my words precious, maybe that’s the charm of it, only I know what I am writing and everyone else is welcome to have their own take on it?
Also, I have had many beautiful times, with many beautiful folks, and my songs are peppered with characters from around the black country.
3. What is your process for preparing to perform live? Do you have any Diva demands?
No diva demands, we feel lucky if there’s a 4 pack in the fridge. Jokes aside, if someone asks what we want, I wouldn’t refuse a Bathams on our rider.
In terms of preparing for shows, we rehearse a lot beforehand purely because we love it.
4. Where do you feel you fit into the music landscape?
We were only talking about this yesterday, and we don’t feel as if we’re a part of any scene locally, we feel as if we’re a part of the UK indie/alternative scene though. As we play our shows up and down the UK, we stumble across some of the same like-minded bands. Shout out to them, we respect the grind.
5: What are your favourite musical genres, and are there any you dislike?
We love a lot of music from Sinatra to Toots and the Maytals. The Pogues to Simon and Garfunkel. It’s so hard to pin-point particular genres. We listen to so much stuff, especially when we’re travelling around the UK together for gigs. That’s the best pass time except for antique and charity shops.
In terms of disliking music, it depends. If I don’t believe an artist’s words and I don’t feel they’re sincere, I tend to have a strong opinion on that.
6. What’s currently in the pipeline for 2024?
Apart from gigging as much as we can and just loving what we do, we are releasing our 2nd EP on June the 21st called ‘Judgement Day’. Enjoy.
7 What would you say is your greatest strength as an Artist?
In world full of trickery and deceit, to be the truest, purest form of yourself.

8. What can fans expect from your new single ‘ Threadbare’
A more of a dramatic, slower song for us.
I think people will really get behind and appreciate that I am willing to share my trauma with them. It’s a little different from our other, dare I say, fast-paced and energetic tunes. However, just as hard-hitting. It always goes off live with the audience screaming the words back at us
9. What would you say is your greatest weakness as an Artist?
Losing money with a smile on our faces. It’s all part of the game.
10. What music artiest would you say have influenced your work?
Instrumentally we all take inspiration from various musicians and bands, however collectively we all love the works of Black Country, New Road and Fontaines D.C
11. Who would you most like to collaborate with artistically?
Slim Shady, Shane MacGowan or Jeff Mangum
12. What was your worst performance?
We once played a local festival, and I ended up breaking two microphone stands and an SM58. I had a bit of a wobble after a few drinks. I was going through the motion of what this song is about actually, wasn’t very nice times.
I tend to not fumble under difficult circumstances, but that was the one time I wobbled.
13: What was the most difficult obstacle you have ever faced and how did you overcome it?
I think not being from one of the major music hubs in the UK makes it difficult sometimes, but I think this obstacle is something all upcoming bands face really. We don’t pretend to be underdogs in any situation. If you don’t have self-belief and self-worth as band, what is the actual point? You’ve just got to try and make it work.
14: What is your creative process when making music. Do you work with others or is there just you?
There are a few ways we write songs, I (Garran) may bring a verse and chorus to rehearsal, that I have written on an acoustic guitar and we write around that.
There has been times where Xav has a bassline or James has a riff and we all work on parts around it.
It all depends really; James and I have worked on stuff together then brought it to the band.
For us there’s not one way about it, if we write something we work on it collaboratively, simple. I think that’s the most important, expressive and natural way to work.
15 Where do you see your musical career in 10 years?
Making music as best mates, that’s the dream… and to play Glasto of course.