Lusaint’s latest single Sweet Tooth is an addicting pop hit and a great showcase of her talent.
“I listen to Nina Simone and Billie Holiday every day, and I bring in elements of them without even thinking”. One short listen to her music proves this as she hits every note perfectly. But we are no longer in the 1950s, and Lusaint is able to take these influences into her stride alongside more modern genres. She names Joy Crookes as a big inspiration for a “sort of ‘retro-pop’ sound”.
“Theres obviously loads of great artists from Manchester, but they are a traditionally male group. There are loads of great women led bands from Manchester, and I’m really glad I can help change the narrative”. Of course, this doesn’t mean she doesn’t have huge appreciation for the city and what it’s done for her; “growing a fanbase” in her home city is a top priority, or more generally just having her “music heard by as many people as possible” says Lusaint of her home town.
She tells me they’ve had to become more professional in recent recording sessions following her recent traction. “Subconsciously I think it’s been a dream of mine for ages, but I never thought it would be a reality”.

Her process for recording music is largely reliant on a friend group which has been with her for years; lucky enough, lots of her friends are musicians who have helped inspire her “to become the artists that [she is] now”. She takes a rough and ready approach to creating new music, recording voice notes and relying on her producer to help her “blend them together”.
You may think the skill in her voice and the spotlight she is in to belong to a musician with more releases. She has so far released one EP, meaning there is still a lot to come from Lusaint, and it looks like R+B will be a new element in her “mix of genres”.
“You can kind of expect which singles on an EP will be a big hit, and sweet tooth was not one of them”. If what she says is true, I’m highly anticipating what comes next from Lusaint.
Her new EP Self Sabotage comes out on the 24th of September – “…Until then the plan is to keep performing”. Keep an eye out for any gigs near you as Lusaint rides the wave of her success.
Lusaint will be performing at Paper Dress Vintage on 1st May ahead of the release of her next single ‘Sober’.