JD = Jean Divorce
DM = Demi Lune
If you like your Punk Fast, Furious meet Montreal punks DVTR who are set to release new single Les Flics on the 30th and are heading over to the UK / Europe for some festivals and shows in May.
1. For someone that is yet to discover ‘’ DVTR’ and would you describe yourself.
We make fast music, in French. Screaming shocking and/or stupid lyrics at people’s face. Vasectomy for all, babyy
2. What inspired you as an artist?
Having Fun
3. What is your process for preparing to perform live? Do you have any Diva demands?
That’s it Just rhum & coke, Every time. That’s it
4. Where do you feel you fit into the music landscape?
At the very top of the mountain
5: What are your favourite musical genres, and are there any you dislike?
We like everything, as we should. music genres don’t exist anymore!

6:Where did the name come from?
It actually means “D’où vient ton riz?” which means “Where does your rice come from?”.
7: What would you say is your greatest strength as an Artist?
We freaking kill the stage Every time
8. What would you say is your greatest weakness as an Artist?
We poor
9. What can fans expect from your new single ‘‘Les Flics’.
We guess some bigots are going to be shocked by the ACAB stuff but that might be the point. We hate cops (at least the vast majority of them) and what they represent so we felt like talking about it. In a fun way, as always. And polite. We’re Canadians. We’re polite. Thank you sorry sorry
10. What music artiest would you say have influenced your work?
Maybe Jay Reatard, for the in your face sound. And Katleen Hannah.
11. Who would you most like to collaborate with artistically?
JD: Zach Choy from Crack Cloud, you there? Please check your DMs man pls
DM: I would like to sing a punk duet with Sade
12. What was your worst performance?
We played a rooftop show in front of 5000 people, only to discover, after the show, that the guitar wasn’t working at all. So we basically did a karaoke version of DVTR without knowing about it. And JD was playing guitar solos with no sound coming out for the public. Weird.
13: What was the most difficult obstacle you have ever faced and how did you overcome it?
At first we were almost passing out at every show, because everything was going so fast, and we were pushing it too hard. Now we run on treadmills when we’re home so we’re strong, and not passing out in shows.
14: What is your creative process when making music. Do you work with others or is there just you?
We party and just go at it and plug everything straight in the computer and that’s it. No more big studios and months of overthinking, we like to keep it simple and raw
15: Where do you see your musical career in 10 years?
Right now we’re just trying to get past the crazy summer ahead of us, with all the tour. We’ll think about the future if we’re still alive then.

2 May – Edinburgh (UK) – Wide Days
5 May – Worcester (UK) – @ Drummonds
7 May – London (UK) – @ New Cross Inn
9 May – Wrexham (UK) – Focus Wales @ Penny Black – Room 1
10 May – Wrexham (UK) – Focus Wales @ The Rockin’ Chair – Room 2
11 May – Paris (FR) – @ Mécanique ondulatoire
17 May – Tours (FR) -@ Le Bateau Ivre
18 May – Angers (FR) – @ Le Joker’s Club
Instagram: @dvtr,band