In “Mindsetter”, Tyla Rex masterfully weaves between political commentary and childhood recollections over a tight, funk-inspired Hip Hop beat with some impressive instrumentals work. Tyla effortlessly carries a lazy but relentless rap flow as the song switches between verses and choruses without pause for breath. Rex enunciates each word with intention, but rides to the beat so fluidly that they almost become a part of the background track, keeping the energy high while allowing their writing to shine.
Rex is a highly accessible artist. Their words cascade like poetry as they reminisce on the struggles of growing up poor. In a testament to their skill, the tough topic doesn’t take away from the song – if anything, it amplifies it. The juxtaposition of the upbeat guitar with the socioeconomic criticism feels natural, and it is reminiscent of the musical scene that Rex is helping to form; one of acknowledging personal struggles while remaining hopeful for a better future.

1. For someone that is yet to discover Tyla Rex how would you describe your music?
For me my music is always expression-first, and I enjoy weaving between lots of different genres and soundscapes to convey the range in which I can express myself. I wouldn’t confine myself to one sound or style. Listeners could expect a fusion of elements from rap, pop and bass-heavy electronic genres, as well as live instrumentation from a jazz and rock background.
2. What inspired you as an artist?
I find it hard to narrow this question down as I have always been messing about making beats from a very early age. I have had different periods of my life where different things have inspired me musically and artistically. Long before I starting jumping on my own instrumentals I was inspired by how artists can mould soundscapes and atmospheres that evoke a certain feeling in the listener. Whether it be the intensity of noise rap, the groove of disco, the heaviness and aggression of death metal, it all has a place. When I started writing music where I was at the forefront as a performer, I became inspired by artists that use their music for storytelling, such as Little Simz, Stromae, and Kendrick Lamar, to name a few.
3. What is your process for preparing to perform live? Do you have any Diva demands?
I’m pretty laid back, in terms of preparing I’m mainly just quite focused on the job at hand. I mostly care about having a good time and even if there are technical complications I’ll always still turn it up.
4. Where do you feel you fit into the music landscape?
With myself (and my label Different Kind of Dough), I feel like there will be something for rap fans, pop fans, fans of live instrumentation, as well as those who like more alternative styles such as hyperpop and a range of electronic genres. If you like Brockhampton, Damon Albarn, Charli XCX, (to name a few), there’s probably something for you.
5: What are your favourite musical genres, and are there any you dislike?
If I were to really simplify it, I love hip hop in all of its various forms and subgenres, as well as Jazz, rock, RnB and many of the other live-instrumentation lead styles. I also take a lot of inspiration from heavy electronic and bass-heavy genres. In terms of things I dislike, this might be a bit of a hot take but there is a lot of bland indie music out there that is like nails on a chalkboard to my ears.
6. Where did the name come from?
Just thought of it one day and liked it. I’d love to say there was a deeper meaning to it, but sometimes things are just that simple.

7 What would you say is your greatest strength as an Artist?
My versatility.
8. What would you say is your greatest weakness as an Artist?
This might be obvious from some of my other answers, but it would have to be perfectionism lol
9. What can fans expect from your new single ‘Mindsetter’
It’s a fun, groovy, laid back melodic rap song with some instrumental funk influences and is essentially me just goofing around with some fun flows.
10. What music artist would you say have influenced your Work?
As I briefly went over in one of the previous answers, it always changes at different stages at my life, but I’ll list a few at the moment. At the moment, three artists I’m coming back to are Run the Jewels, SOPHIE, and FKJ
11. Who would you most like to collaborate with Artistically?
I feel like me and JPEGMAFIA would cook up some pretty wonky stuff, so I’d be down for that. I really like Yusef Dayes, and that would scratch a major jazz itch for me. Most importantly, I think a Lonely Island feature would be the ultimate dream.
12. What was your worst performance?
I grew up in Wales, and inspired by Slash and Jimi Hendrix I once played the Welsh national anthem in High School on St David’s day, only the guitar was way over-distorted, stupidly loud and slightly out of tune. Don’t think it’ll ever get worse than butchering Welsh national pride on the day of national celebration.
13: What was the most difficult obstacle you have ever faced and how did you overcome it?
There have been plenty of sizeable obstacles, but the common thread is that good community can allow you to overcome things you never would have been able to on your own. If there’s anything I’ve learnt it’s that individualism is a scam

14: What is your creative process when making music. Do you work with others or is there just you?
It depends on the song, but I do a lot of both. As long as I’m making music and finding community through music, I’m there.
15 Where do you see your musical career in 10 years?
Popping off