Meet: Alice Kiernan

Alice Kiernan is a pop singer-songwriter from Meath, Ireland. Her love of poetry and music come together in her songwriting providing words of comfort to those who need it most.

Alice began singing, playing guitar and writing songs at the age of 12 and by the age of 16 began her music career by gigging and performing in venues around Dublin and Ireland. She has supported some of Ireland and the UK’s biggest acts including Ham Sandwich, Paddy Casey and Matt Cardle in venues such as Whelan’s, The Academy, and Cyprus Avenue. Through gigging and posting covers and her own originals online, she soon gained a small following which created the foundation and gave her the confidence to start releasing music independently in 2018.

Alice Kiernan has released her brand new single Jealous, She is the sole writer and co-producer on all of her tracks. She is entirely self managed and Jealous will be her fifth release

1. For someone that is yet to discover Alice Kiernan how would you describe your music?

Pop and synth with a real emphasis on lyrics – they’re definitely something I’m proud of. I write all my songs on my own.

2. What inspired you as an artist?

Other artists! I love artist like Griff, Troye Sivan, Hozier – pop music with meaning.

3. What is your process for preparing to perform live? Do you have any Diva demands?

Lots of warming up and breathing exercises to try and calm the nerves. Definitely need a bit of alone time before heading on stage too.

4. Where do you feel you fit into the music landscape?

I think I fit in the pop industry particularly in Ireland. We love our music and our lyrics and it’s a huge part of who we are. I love how no matter what the music Irish people will want to listen to you.

5: What are your favourite musical genres, and are there any you dislike?    

I am just a pop princess through and through but if I give it time I really will listen to anything. It’s all down to people’s personal preference.               

 6. Where did the name come from?

My birth cert.

7 What would you say is your greatest strength as an Artist?

Probably my lyrics. I love writing poetry and a lot of the time the lyrics come to me first. I love that ‘ah-ha’ moment when song writing.

8. What would you say is your greatest weakness as an Artist?

Doing everything myself from writing, producing, managing press, managing socials … though maybe that’s a strength.

 9.  What can fans expect from your new single “‘Jealous”

Jealous is a song all about wanting it to work with someone, be it a friendship or a relationship, but unfortunately they can never allow you to ever be a step above them. They’re never happy when you’re happy. They only want you when you’re a shell of yourself. It’s a completely different sound to anything I’ve done before. It’s bolder, grittier, and I’m so excited for people to hear it.

10. What music artist would you say have influenced your work?

Griff, Troye Sivan, Billie, Lorde, Sigrid

11. Who would you most like to collaborate with artistically?

Griff, Troye Sivan, Billie, Lorde, Sigrid

13: What was the most difficult obstacle you have ever faced and how did you overcome it?

I think it is difficult being a solo artist and also being entirely self managed. There’s a lot of things to juggle and you don’t get to spend all your time writing music – you’re putting together press packs, social plans, booking gigs etc

I think time management is a huge part in over coming that. I am a huge planner. If it’s not in the diary I won’t do it.

14: What is your creative process when making music. Do you work with others or is there just you?

My voicenote app is a mess. I have over 300 voicenotes full of ideas, usually something will come to me in the middle of nowhere and I need to record it. Other times it’s more purposeful and I will sit down and write. But I’ve learned you cannot force it… you’re either creative that day or your not.

15. Where do you see your musical career in 10 years?

Hopefully with an album or two under my belt!