Formed in 2023, Fever Dreams are one of the hottest prospects on the Yorkshire music scene. Off the back of their debut performance at an open mic night they were booked for additional shows at respected venues such as the Brudenell Social Club as well as securing slots with This Feeling and Double Denim.

Fever Dreams announced their debut single for digital release across all platforms on the 26th July.

So Naïve is the band’s first musical offering set for a full release. This indie pop anthem, delivered from a first-person perspective, lyrically delves into the internal conflict that occurs when constantly returning to a toxic relationship, until a moment of clarity and realisation that the current situation needs to be left behind. 

So Naïve: is the perfect piece of Indie pop with a melody that will drag the dead up on to the dance floor, It’s the sound of Summer 2024 -for a debut single it’s fking brilliant and on that I can’t say anything, other than I can’t wait for the album.

Review: Pigeon John


1. For someone that is yet to discover Fever Dreams, how would you describe your music?
I think Guitar driven Indie/Alt Rock/Pop would cover most of it.

2. What inspired you as an artist?

Watching support acts playing at our favourite artists gigs and thinking “we have better songs than this”, if their songs have got them to a stage where they are supporting our idols and people we have looked up to for so long, then there’s nothing stopping us being able to achieve the same.

3. What is your process for preparing to perform live? Do you have any Diva demands?

A couple band members process seems to involve taking a lot of drugs (anxiety pills and adrenaline blockers). We are also all heavy drinkers beforehand (Water).

4. Where do you feel you fit into the music landscape?

We really found our place initially in the local Leeds music scene. We played an open mic for a music charity Cloth Cat and they have done so much for us since. We have expanded a lot since then and play for all kinds of promoters and venues, but that’s where we would call ‘home’.


5: What are your favourite musical genres, and are there any you dislike?        

As a band our tastes vary greatly and we all have very broad interests individually but, Indie rock is where all of our musical tastes seem to cross over most. I wouldn’t say I outright dislike any genre, unless ukulele songs are a genre, anything with a ukulele on it can get straight in the bin. 

6. Is there a story behind the bands name?

We would love to be able to tell you a cool or interesting story about our band name but the reality is, this was the only name we could come up with that nobody hated. 

7 What would you say is your greatest strength as an Artist?

Extreme determination

8. What would you say is your greatest weakness as an Artist?

Social media is realistically the biggest way to promote your band, and we all suck at it. How many introverts does it take to make a TikTok?

 9.  What can fans expect from your new single So Naïve?

We have produced a synth melody/guitar riff that’s so catchy it’s going to get stuck in your head and have you randomly humming it for days after listening.

10. What music artist would you say have influenced your work?
For this particular track, Arctic Monkeys and Blossoms probably had the biggest influence.

11. Who would you most like to collaborate with artistically?

That’s too difficult to pick, it’d probably change on a daily basis: Noel Gallagher, Gorillaz, Wolf Alice or Jake Bugg to name a few. Our lead guitarist would insist on Weezer!

12. What was your worst performance?
I think each of us would have different ideas on that.
I don’t think we have a collective worst performance, but we are all extreme perfectionists and any small mistake would cause us to kick ourselves relentlessly.

13: What was the most difficult obstacle you have ever faced and how did you overcome it?

I think the most difficult obstacle for any band at the moment is just the state of the local music scenes. For many different reasons, people just don’t go to gigs as much anymore.

We are fortunate to have built up great relationships in the local music scene and haven’t let any opportunity slip past us.

14: What is your creative process when making music. Do you work with others or is there just you?
The catchy hook for our debut release was written by our lead guitarist and I built the song around that.
So far, we’ve mainly been working on and developing songs/demos that I’ve brought to the group. The others in the band then write in their own instruments. I’m admittedly not very good at writing with others, I feel like I’ve got to have a certain feeling and be in the right zone to be able to create the best songs. I don’t think you can force that spark of inspiration, otherwise the music suffers, you can’t time it and say “4pm Saturday afternoon, let’s meet up and write a song from scratch together”, it just doesn’t work, not for me anyway. 


15 Where do you see your musical career in 10 years?

I don’t know, but we’re aiming for the top (whatever that is perceived to be) and I don’t think we’ll stop until we get there, even if I wanted to stop, I don’t think I’d be able to, something would always drag me back into making another song, so wherever we are, I’ll still be making music.