1.Who Are ‘BITE’
We are a Scouse rock band who put our Soul, Funk, Bossa Nova, and western inspirations into the songs we write together. We have been playing together for about 11 months now and have gained quite a bit of momentum throughout liverpool by getting in front of as many people as we can, and trying to get our music out. We released our first single at the start of the year and it made more of a splash than we were expecting, pushing us to a few sell out headline shows. Now were gearing up to the release of the next single, hoping it will really connect with fans and give us a proper standing in the industry.

2. For someone that is yet to discover you, how would you describe your music?
Imagine if Fleetwood Mac discovered disco in the Jac basement – that’s us.
3. What inspired you as an Band ?
Right now we’re inspired by how much fun it is writing together or playing a really tight set. We’re not doing this for the money, obviously so it may as well be a laugh.
4. What is your process for preparing to perform live? Do you have any Diva demands?
Even though we’re still early in our career it’s still important that we’re professional. We insist on a full roll of toilet paper, a stage that can fit us all on, and at least one beer between us.
5. Where do you feel you fit into the music landscape?
Somewhere between Formby beach and West Derby.
6: What are your favourite musical genres, and are there any you dislike?
Right now, we’re all loving Americana, Funk, Soul and Disco. But individually we have quite different tastes from New Wave, No Wave, Indie Rock and Post Punk to RnB, Hip Hop, and Psych.
7. Is there a story behind the new single For Love?

Joe wrote For Love about going through and getting over a breakup. When you’re in the middle of it, it just feels so to know that you’re not getting back what you’re putting in. I think all of us have been in a relationship that’s not what we know it could be, and you have to remove yourself before it gets really messy.
8. What would you say is your greatest strength as a band?
We’ve got this unconscious lock on our style. Our individual musical abilities just fit. Like, when someone writes a song, we don’t need to critique each other’s parts. They just work together. It feels very natural.
9. What would you say is your greatest weakness as a band?
We love drama
10.What can fans expect from your new Single?
What’s a fan?
11. What music artist would you say have influenced your work?
It’s not like we listen to a band or an artist and want to copy them. It’s more subtle than that,.
We all take on influence differently. Joe wrote one song after going on an anti war demonstration, Axel came back from Joshua Tree obsessed with Americana. It’s more about your environment and the stuff you surround yourself with.
12. Who would you most like to collaborate with artistically?
Right now, we want to find a producer who gets our sound and we’d love to work with a horn section in the studio.
13. What was your worst performance?
We’ve only been doing this for 11 months. We always come out of a gig with something to improve on. There was an especially bad cover of I want you (she’s so heavy) in the Jac basement though.
14: What was the most difficult obstacle you have ever faced and how did you overcome it?
Funding the releases is a massive pain. We got a charity funded session at the Motor Museum for “Turn Me On” which has sort of ruined us because we love that studio and it’s not cheap. Everything we earn from gigs goes towards paying for recording, mastering, photos and the rest.
15: What is your creative process when making music. Do you work with others or is there just you?
Our band kind of started backwards. We recorded our first single with the Axel (bass) and Leigh (drums) drummer as session players, they joined the band while we were in the studio, and then we started looking for gigs. What we took from this experience is that a song is going to be a pain in the arse to record if you haven’t ironed out the wrinkles in a live setting.
So now, someone comes in with an idea, and we shred it to pieces trying out new parts and messing with the structure and arrangement until we’re happy with it. This process could happen in one practice or in the case of “For Love” over the span of 5 or 6 gigs. Only then will we think about recording demos and booking studio time.
16: Where do you see your musical career in 10 years?
Hopefully, in 10 years time we’ll be a band with a really interesting and large catalog of music out. If we’re making/playing the same type of music we’re making now in a decade I think we will have failed as a group. Hopefully we’ll be minted as well.
17: The UK seems to have gone in to melt down regarding the Oasis Reunion, are bothered by It?
If 200,000 people want to fill an arena and throw piss at each other for 2 hours, they’re more than welcome to. Seriously though , we’re all happy for the fans that get to see their favorite band again/ for the first time!