Guilty Party release their new single ‘Where Do We Go From Here?’, a stripped back, breakup/makeup indie anthem for whirlwind romances ending with a suitcase on the front lawn. The song’s a frenetic cycle of elation and frustration; first half head over heels followed by a romanticising of pulling the plug.

1.Who are ‘ Guilty Party ?

Jen,Dan, Ceris & Ty. We’re based in Cardiff, been going since 2023 and this is our fourth single. We all work 9-5’s waiting to clock off, write tunes, hang out and jam. It’s a good excuse not to start getting hobbies like BBQ pits and Trading212.

2. For someone that is yet to discover you, how would you describe your music?

We’re equal parts grunge, indie and bargain bin Ibiza club albums. That’s what sets us apart, we can play calm, then loud and heavy with hooks to go with it.

3. What inspired you an artist?

Pretty sure we all just forgot to give it up after school. Probably inspired by behind the music on MTV wondering if we’d be the one who ends up in rehab with a bloated face and a failed marriage. Course there’s no money in the industry for a habit these days so I guess we’ll be alright.

4. What is your process for preparing to perform live? Do you have any Diva demands?

We’ll be sweating cause of traffic and work keeping us late, get a shit line check, see if there’s a fridge for some free beers and try and sing a high note before we walk on. 

5. Where do you feel you fit into the music landscape?

In a big field with everyone else. We just trust our instincts and don’t get swept up in whatever the shiny new trend is. 

6: What are your favourite musical genres, and are there any you dislike?

Guilty pleasures are 00’s dance anthems. Ska is a weird one – it’s punk but they have a dance routine? Not sure about that. 


7. Is there a story behind the new single ‘Where Do We Go From Here ’ ?

It’s a breakup/makeup indie anthem for whirlwind romances ending with a suitcase on the front lawn. We recorded it with Todd Campbell, who’s Phil Campbell’s (Motorhead) son. They literally have a band called the Bastard Sons where Phil takes his tribe of lads all over the world.

 8. What would you say is your greatest strength as an artist?

I think we all realised that there’s no “right way” of doing things in music anymore so we stopped giving a shit so much at some point a few years back and just have a fucking laugh ‘cos what’s the point otherwise.

9. What Would You Say Is Your Greatest Weakness As An Artist?


 10.  What can fans expect from your new single ‘ Where Do We Go From Here ’ ?

A lack of direction.

11. What music artist would you say have influenced your work?

There’s a recent album by a band called Sobs, Air Guitar which is perfect guitar pop. Other than that, some math emo stuff like Oso Oso, and there’s some cool new bands in the states like Softcult, All Under Heaven.

12. Who would you most like to collaborate with artistically?

Someone who can remix our tracks to sound like 00s club classics so we can pack in this band shite and become full time DJs  

13. What was your worst performance?

We did a fucking dreadful Mariah Carey Christmas cover live a few years back. Our leg warmers and makeup was spot on though.

14: What was the most difficult obstacle you have ever faced and how did you overcome it?

Getting a good band photo, we look like dicks half the time. Still working to crack that one…

15: What is your creative process when making music. Do you work with others or is there just you?

Someone will bring a song, everyone will make fun of it and if they don’t storm out we might learn it.

16: Where do you see your musical career in 10 years?

We’ll have an AI manager and a VR Dan not cocking up onstage.

17: The UK seems to have gone in to melt down regarding the Oasis Reunion, are You bothered by It?

Underrated by ‘musos’, who don’t get the antics and probably overrated by the mad fans. Trying to get tickets was the least ‘Oasis’ experience I could imagine, refreshing six screens for hours, just so most can film Wonderwall on their iPhone and fuck off. I’ll stick to watching them at Earl’s Court 95.