MEET: They Call Me Max

 Algorithms: Released 1st October

They Call Me Max is a project centred around piano compositions, intimate lyrical narratives and groove-ridden beats. Currently consisting of 5 permanent members, the music reaches across Jazz, Hip-Hop and Indie. The project is all about movement, process and musical progression.

1.Who Are ‘They Call Me Max’

They Call Me Max is a band project fronted by myself, Max, currently consisting of 5 permanent members. We’ve got the funk master general, Efe, on bass; brick man, Adam, on drums (aka Core Sway, Aka Dave); slinkyslidey tone-bone tres bon, Nikita, on synths and samples; and our newest member, the melodic metronome, Matt, blessing us on guitars.

2. For someone that is yet to discover you, how would you describe your music?

I would describe it as a complimentary concoction of jazz-inspired, Hip-Hop influenced songs, grooves and compositions. A gourmet experience.

3. What inspired you as an artist?

One of my biggest inspirations to get me going was actually Jamie T, the Panic Prevention album which was released in 2007. I was also heavily influenced by The Streets album, A Grand Don’t Come For Free, released in 2004. I remember hearing both of those records and just realising the creative freedom that was possible with music, and more than anything I think that experience motivated me to create my own stuff.

4. What is your process for preparing to perform live? Do you have any Diva demands?

Nah I’m pretty chill really…I just need lots of water! Pretty boring I know…I mean if someone gave me the opportunity, would I request a carefully stacked Jenga arrangement of Caramac bars prior to every performance? Of course I would. But I guess you can but dream…

 5. Where do you feel you fit into the music landscape?

Hopefully somewhere in the emerging underground ‘Jazz’ scene in London. I don’t think we are a jazz band at all but I find it a bit hard to be genre specific (non-binary right?) and I feel probably the same as every other artist out there creating – I just want my work to be heard and appreciated by people who might connect with it and be influenced positively by it.

6: What are your favourite musical genres, and are there any you dislike?

Favourites would be Jazz, Hip-Hop, Soul, Motown…I mean I really love lots of things. Folk. Classical too. I’m not sure I have a favourite, I think it just depends what mood you are in! I generally don’t like so much music that has been aimed at a purely commercial outcome though. I think the commercial industrialisation of music and art is a bit difficult to accept personally, although I of course appreciate its position in our culture. I think there is a difference between art, music, and sound, so I feel the intention behind the music is more important than the genre that it falls into. For me this is what I listen for.

 7. Is there a story behind the new single Algorithms?

Algorithms is really just a reflection and a representation of me processing life around us, and the ways in which technology is affecting our society in different ways. I think there is an undercurrent of fear that I feel as we move into a more virtual reality, so the song is a bit pensive I think. I wanted to relay this feeling of unseen oppression from a technological culture (which ironically should make us feel more liberated) and I guess a bit of sadness at how I feel more disconnected as I live through it. It’s also this feeling of being so insignificant as part of an enormous, universal process…this feeling of just being one in a city of millions. Just a tiny speck in the universe.

8. What would you say is your greatest strength as a band?

We are super tight I think. Our greatest strength is that we try and rehearse every single week so I think we’ve achieved this kind of ‘moving as a unit’ sound that is hard to get unless you’re well rehearsed as a band.

9. What would you say is your greatest weakness as a band?

Probably my organisation! Adam is super organised though and I get better with practice but I think that’s perhaps our weak link!

 10What can fans expect from your new Single?


11. What music artist would you say have influenced your work?

There are so many I think, apart from the two already mentioned above I’d say Lupe Fiasco, Miles Davis, Erykah Badu, Esperanza Spalding, Eminem and Martin Simpson. I could go on but I won’t!

12. Who would you most like to collaborate with artistically?

I mean really and truly I would be down to collaborate with anyone and everyone. There are so many amazing artists and creatives out there, so many who are undiscovered/yet to be heard as well. I think  you never know what a collaboration can bring to your sound or your musical world so although I haven’t done much of it, I always try to stay open towards it! For me I’ve just got so much stuff that’s written that I want to get out, I’m just trying to get through it all before I start doing stuff with other people.

13. What was your worst performance?

To be honest I don’t think we’ve had any really bad performances. We’ve played to fairly small crowds, or played to people who haven’t necessarily connected with the music before, but I wouldn’t really class those as bad performances because I think we always play pretty well and also, you are learn and advance with every gig you do. As long as we are playing and getting better I think it’s successful really! Also, I just love playing live, so even if nobody was there I would still have a great time. It’s all in the mindset – if you’re positive, you can’t really lose!

14: What was the most difficult obstacle you have ever faced and how did you overcome it?

There are so many hardships when you’re pursuing a career in music, especially if you are independent but to be honest I think the hardest thing for me has been covid. I am also an unpaid carer so when the pandemic hit I had to move out of London altogether, which was tough. But I overcame it just by writing lots and keeping mentally active and aware! And now we’ve got loads of music to be releasing, so again – a positive outcome overall!

15: What is your creative process when making music. Do you work with others or is there just you?

Usually I will write/compose the song on the piano, with the vocal/topline, and try to get the main structures and chord progressions sorted. Then I’ll usually bring it to the band at a rehearsal and we take it from there. Sometimes I’ll make a full demo of a record and then we’ll kind of ‘recreate it’ live and then re-record the live version. It really just depends on the mood.

16: Where do you see your musical career in 10 years?

Hopefully blossoming! I would love to play a mainstage at one of the major festivals someday. But really I just want my music to connect with people. If I can do that for the next 10 years I’ll be happy!

17: The UK seems to have gone in to melt down regarding the Oasis Reunion, Are bothered by It?

Absolutely not. I mean I live under a rock so I hadn’t really noticed to be honest. But I guess they must have run out of money, I’d imagine there’s not much more in it than that.