Meet: Life Aquatic Band


1.Who Are ‘ Life Aquatic Band ’

LAB are Ben, Jaz, Henry, Will, and other Ben. We all play bits and bobs but in a typical LAB song you’ll hear a lot of drums + other percussion, bass, guitars, synths as well as Ben and Jaz singing away.

2. For someone that is yet to discover you, how would you describe your music?

Upbeat music to drag you out of bed and get you dancing.

3. What inspired you as and band?

Our mantra is to make people feel good. Our music goes through moods, there’s the super high energy high optimist dancey stuff, all the way down to some moody ballads, but we try to keep clear of anything too sad and downbeat. I think we try to make a positive out of anything, which is why a track like YOU CAN DO IT has that positive affirmation closing these sad little verses about the state of the housing market in the UK (no more landlords please!)

4. What is your process for preparing to perform live? Do you have any Diva demands?

We have no DIVA demands but we do make each other do star jumps and tell each other what we’re grateful for. A couple of us are therapists – can you tell?

5. Where do you feel you fit into the music landscape?

We love to change our sound around, but if I was to say a few bands that we’re inspired by, first would be talking heads, then LCD Soundsystem… then some 70s New York bands like Liquid Liquid or ESG.

6: What are your favourite musical genres, and are there any you dislike?

Love anything I can dance too. Dance punk. Dance. Punk. Post-Punk. A bit of New Wave as long as not every member of the band wears a suit. A few of us are big Jazz heads and so that’s what we’re into. Other end of that is ambient… the only thing which isn’t on the tour radio might be proper deep doom metal.                                                                                

7. Is there a story behind the new single ?


(BEN): Moving back from Japan, I was pretty down about living in crappy flats in Sheffield which were not really liveable. So, I wrote a funny song about it, with that affirmation to get myself out YOU CAN DO IT.

  8. What would you say is your greatest strength as a band?

Not taking ourselves too seriously and having a good time. Plus we put on a good party.

9. What would you say is your greatest weakness as a band?

Jeez what a question! I suppose we could get better at planning and strategizing but that’s a right boring question isnt it… so I’ll say I’m pretty bad at baking.

 10What can fans expect from your new single ‘You Can Do It’ ?

Energy! We’ve been playing this song for a while now and it always goes down well at the shows, so we’re hoping that people will respond to it recorded. Get out, stomp around and get angry with us.

11. What music artist would you say have influenced your work?

I love anything David Byrne or James Murphy has touched.

12. Who would you most like to collaborate with artistically?

Beyond the two above, I’d love to work with an electronic producer like Daniel Lopatin.

13. What was your worst performance?

Ha! We had some rough shows when we first started, playing pub backrooms without knowing the material. But that’s where you learn.

14: What was the most difficult obstacle you have ever faced and how did you overcome it?

Stage anxiety, learning to let go and just put on a good show. And that’s it! I just remember to embrace being a bit of a clown and have a good time.

15: What is your creative process when making music. Do you work with others or is there just you?

Ben usually writes a lot on his own and then brings the music to the group. He writes way more than the band will ever see, and its pretty random what gets picked up. Henry and Jaz both write the odd song too!

16: Where do you see your musical career in 10 years?

Who knows! Do you?

17: The UK seems to have gone in to melt down regarding the Oasis Reunion, are bothered by It?

Not at all. It is pretty interesting to see people’s responses though..


London Cavendish Arms – November 7th (TBA)

Sheffield Sidney & Matilda – November 15th 

Leeds Live at Leeds Festival – November 16th