The Place Bold Street Liverpool Images: Dave Knight @ bold_street_guy

NAME: Ciara. AGE: 23. OCCUPATION: Chef. LIKES: Gigs. Vegan Food & Travelling. HATES: Homophobia. Sexists & Racists. FILM: School Of Rock . RECORD: Just Like Heaven by The Cure. CLUB: Motel

NAME: Felix. AGE: 24. OCCUPATION: I’m a musician, currently playing Bass in a band called MNNQNS (Mannequins) for the last 6 years. We released a couple of albums and been on tour all around the world . LIKES: The Beatles, Vintage Musical Gear & Grilled Cheese Sandwiches. HATES: Rain, The idea of not being singular & People who fart in front of you while in the crowd during a live show. FILM: Clockwork Orange. RECORD: Misery Is A Butterfly by Blonde Redhead for the album and If I Needed Someone by The Beatles for the song. CLUB: For partying I’d say the club in the basement of Le Palace Theater in Paris that is now closed. Warhol, Bowie, Jagger etc. used to go there during the 70s/80s

. NAME: Kelly Kiss. AGE:19. OCCUPATION: Bartender. LIKES: Motorcycles. Blue Eyeshadow & Vodka Cranberry. HATES: Incels. Maths & Physical Activity . FILM: How To Marry A Millionaire. RECORD: Wild One by Suzi Quarto. CLUB: Not A Club But Arts. NAME: Tyler Kristoffer Reppion. AGE: 20 . OCCUPATION: English Student/Bartender. LIKES: Coca Cola. Jesus & Deftones . HATES: Moshers, Raspberries & Nike Tech Fleece. FILM: Black Snake Moan. RECORD: Pink Floyd’s the Wall. CLUB: None of them

NAME: Lilly. AGE: 19 . OCCUPATION: Student. LIKES: Doctor Who. Sleep & Cheesy chips. HATES: Men. Crosby Beach & The Beatles. FILM: A Three-Way Tie Between Rocky Horror. Moulin Rouge & Practical Magic. RECORD: Ride the Basilisk by Johnny Cosmic & the Night Terrors. CLUB: Temple of Boom

Name: Alicia. AGE: 20. OCCUPATION: Administrator in a Law Firm. LIKES: Going To Gigs, Cats. Seeing My Boyfriend & Friends. HATES: Hot Weather, Being Late & Primark On A Saturday. FILM: The Evil Dead Franchise, Most Specifically Evil Dead; Dead By Dawn. RECORD: Lilith Immaculate by Cradle Of Filth. CLUB: Pilgrim (more of a pub)

NAME: Rebecca . AGE: 20. OCCUPATION: Work in a pub. LIKES: Plants, Going To Gigs & Music. HATES: Stepping In A Puddle With Socks On. Cockroaches, Spicy Foods & Inequality. FILM: Rocky Horror Picture Show . RECORD: Either Keep A Cool Head by Desmond Dekker or Fall Back Down by Rancid . CLUB: Common Hall in Chester

NAME: Casey. AGE: 22. OCCUPATION: Student. LIKES: Franz Kafka, Vintage Inspired Fashion & Live Music. HATES: Minimalism, Aeroplanes & Perfume Adverts . FILM: Silence Of The Lambs. RECORD: Miniskirt Blues by The Cramps Ft Iggy Pop. CLUB: Teddy’s