1.Who are ‘Cowboy Hunters’
2 people (Desmond & Megan) that hunt cowboys and are also in a band – from Scotland.
2. For someone that is yet to discover you, how would you describe your music?
Nu-punk / Future punk / whatever you want / come to a show and you tell us?
“Punk rock settles down and has a daughter. The daughter runs away and has a son with a robot. This hellish cyborg offspring is an exile. Sick riffs and spite are his only solace. This is the story of our ancestors.”
3. What inspired you as an artist?
4. What Is Your Pre-Show Routine? Do you have any Diva demands?
2 cans and a game of battle shits. 5000 push ups (one handed). Clear the vicinity of cowboys. Some food.
5. Where do you feel you fit into the music landscape?
Like a couple of scarecrows. We cite the word punk a lot but put us wherever you want tbh.
6: What are your favourite musical genres, and are there any you dislike?
Whatever genre Pitbull/ Mr. Worldwide / Mr. 305 is is thumbs up emoji.
Anything cowboy adjacent is shite and obviously thumbs down emoji.
7. Is there a story behind your/the band’s name ?
We hunt cowboys.

8. What would you say is your greatest strength as a Band?
That we work hard.
9. What would you say is your greatest weakness as a Band?
That we work too hard.
10. What can fans expect from your new single ‘Mating Calls’

Basically a diss track to creeps in smoking areas everywhere. Drum/bass driven with some angry shouting. Some synths in there too if you’re freaky. If you liked our last couple of singles (‘Gemma’ \ ‘Body Parts’) you’ll probably like it. If you didn’t you probably won’t.
11. What music artist would you say have influenced your work?
Have you heard that Pitbull and Dolly Parton song? Well we like dubstep.
12. Who would you most like to collaborate with artistically?
Limmy (Brian Limond) / Cascada.
13. What was your worst performance?
Haters (cowboys) will say all of them.
14: What was the most difficult obstacle you have ever faced and how did you overcome it?
The cowboys we kill keep coming back to life and coming to our shows – this is still something we are trying to overcome.
15: What is your creative process when making music. Do you work with others or is there just you?
Writing songs is like fishing, stand about with a pole in hand and wait to see what bites.
16: Where do you see your musical career in 10 years?
Would be nice if someone made a Wikipedia page for us.
£1 trillion billion net worth.
Total cowboy annihilation.
17:Your Top 3 Overrated Musicians, who when you hear them you think ‘ How The Fk………….. ?
Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, Woody from Toy Story.
Yeah not really musicians but they are still famous and we hate them so much.