1. For someone that is yet to discover you/your band , how would you describe your music? 

Rough, gritty, loud and rude.

2. What inspires you as an artist?

As a lyricist, my main inspiration comes from the experiences of both myself and those around me. Dread is very much a character comprised from these shared stories and perspectives. Audibly I love blending the old with the new. I really love old school hip-hop, but I also fuck with some of the new rock sounds coming out at the moment. I’m out here trying to blend the two together.

3. What is your process for preparing to perform live? Do you have any Diva demands? 

I like to place bets on what piece of kit will break. The live rig we run is pretty techy which doesn’t bode well for loud and bashful sets haha, we always end up busting something. Worth it though (:

4. Where do you feel you fit into the music landscape?

I see my music as a bridge between underground hip-hop and punk. I’m sure that will change though as time goes on.

5: What are your favourite musical genres, and are there any you dislike?     

  I definitely lean naturally into darker sounds with a preference for hip-hop and rock. On a whole though I just like good music. I don’t think it’s good to pigeon hole into genres otherwise you’re missing out on so much you might mess with.

6. Is there a story behind the name of the band? 

There are many.

7. What would you say is your greatest weakness as an Artist?

I’ve definitely had to practice patience. If you write a banger and it’s only natural to want to get it out there ASAP, but understanding that approach isn’t always what’s best for the track/project is definitely taking some getting used to.

 8.  What can fans expect from your new album?

I’ve definitely tried to put together a project that’s accessible to all ears. With each track that passes the sounds and genres are changing bit by bit. I like to think that keeps things fresh and interesting.

9. What music artist would you say have influenced your work?

Snoop, Cleopatrick, Czar Face, Doom, Royal Blood, Gorillaz, Linkin Park, Biggie, King Gnu & The Pillows to name a few.

1O. Who would you most like to collaborate with artistically?

Fuuuuuuuck, put me on the spot like that! I’d say Cleopatrick from an instrumental/song writing side. But also dropping bars over a Gorillaz track would be a childhood dream come true.

11. What was your worst performance?

I played a festival at which all my backing tracks kept stopping/starting/looping. It was a nightmare. It was one of my first big shows aswell, absolutely traumatising. I only managed to do the first half of 2 track and then had to call it off. There was another show as well, I think I was supporting Slum Village. Nothing went wrong but I was so ill I had to get rushed to A&E after. The show was 10/10 though, no regrets!

12: What was the most difficult obstacle you have ever faced and how did you overcome it?

Probably smoking, drinking & drugs. I’m not very proud of it but I doubt I’d be making the music I am today without it. I’ve got a pretty addictive personality so I had to find other things to be hooked on, for me it was music and health.

13: What is your creative process when making music. Do you work with others or is there just you?

Bit of both really, I like to mix it up track to track. I work very closely with my good friend and producer Erik Miles on almost everything dread related.

15 Where do you see your musical career in 10 years?

Thriving hopefully.